Publications, working papers, and other research using data resources from IPUMS.

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Title: Chapter 2 The Opt-Out Revolution: Recent Trends in Female Labor Supply

Citation Type: Journal Article

Publication Year: 2011

Abstract: Using data from the U.S. Census in conjunction with data from the Current Population Survey (19802009), I find little support for the opt-out revolution highly educated women, relative to their less-educated counterparts, are exiting the labor force to care for their families at higher rates today than in earlier time periods if one focuses solely on the decision to work a positive number of hours irrespective of marital status or race. If one, however, focuses on both the decision to work a positive number of hours and the decision to adjust annual hours of work (conditional on working), I find some evidence of the opt-out revolution, particularly among white college educated married women in male-dominated occupations.

User Submitted?: No

Authors: Antecol, Heather

Periodical (Full): Research in Labor Economics


Volume: 33

Pages: 45-83

Data Collections: IPUMS CPS

Topics: Gender, Labor Force and Occupational Structure
